Services To Youth
This facet serves to equip African-American students to use their intellect and spirit to become successful and productive citizens. It uses an integrated approach to prepare young people to succeed as healthy citizens in the global workforce. The goal is to close the achievement gap from pre-K through college with the intent of preparing our youth for the global workforce as healthy citizens; to promote the integration of a health and wellness component focused on youth, families and communities in our Services to Youth programs; to develop training modules for local pre-K through college mentoring programs; to ascertain a high level of support for youth in our communities; to expand and support science, technology, engineering and mathematics education; to promote the integration of the arts (STEM to STEAM) and promote and support historically black colleges and universities for ensured sustainability.
DIVAS at Human Trafficking Session at
Booker Middle School
In collaboration with the Booker Middle School in Sarasota, the Services to Youth implemented:
The Booker Nation Links NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) Jr. Program
“DIVAS (Determined Individuals Visualizing Academic Success) Program”, a girls mentoring program with topics presented by chapter members and esteemed community professionals
A program that included developing and teaching classes to students using the Etiquette, Manners and Communications curricula at the Watford Hill Primary School in Hopewell, Hanover Parish, Jamaica